Terror from Paradise with Mrs.Belvin's Class

Mrs. Belvin's class worked towards solving the Terror in Paradise crime.

Maharincess Inara closed Franistan University. The buildings were converted to the ned Franistan Development corporation headquarters and the dormitories were converted to the first resort hotel. Gore Nihil, the organic chemistry instructor, escaped and fled into the mountains with a small band of followers. They created the Franistanian Freedom Fighters, or Triple F. With little financial backing, Nihil and his followers have resorted to revenge by plotting a series of terrorist attacks on the United States. The basic plan is to transport both biological and chemical weapons aboard a tourist plane back to the United States. The terrorists would then release the chemical and biological weapons wherever they thought the most harm would be inflicted. Following the strike, Triple F would release a videotape of their demands through CNBS. Testing is now going on to confirm for the chemicals, which include TMB (tetramethyl blutoniate) and Thetacoccu. All of the passengers who board this plane will get tested.

Pictures & Page by: Page Thompson