Giving is Better than Receiving...

We do not always hear enough about good people doing good things. It just isn't as newsworthy as winning the big game, politics, war or the latest crime scene. But it is important to know that good deeds still exist, especially with our younger generation. During the monthly JROTC Booster Meeting on April 9, several Rossview students were recognized by the Clarksville Montgomery County Down Syndrome for their efforts in supporting
this worthy cause.

The students helped babysit for parents, worked for a silent auction or assisted with fund raising events that netted over 30k in research and support. The students did not raise the 30k, but they provided energy and support. The presenter and father of a Down Syndrome child was moved to tears; not by the money earned, but by the genuine support, caring and non-judgmental love that our RHS Students showed to these special children. Laura Burton received a Teddy Bear from a little boy and was especially recognized for her selfless contributions. Also recognized were Dwaine (Frankie) Shelton, Jeffery (Sammy) Shelton, Luke Mattax, David Hunt,Sierra Walker and Antonio Valencia. Antonio and the rest of the students all received certificates of appreciation from the Down Syndrome Inc.

Michael D. Milller
Rossview JROTC