The Class of 2005 Graduates!


As the first class to complete four years at Rossview High School, the proud 2005 graduates donned cap and gown for an early 8:00 A.M. graduation ceremony on Saturday morning. The female JROTC color guard posted the colors, followed by the National Anthem, performed by the Senior Choristers. Class VP Trey Lambert and President Kacie Boguskie opened the ceremony with their remarks, followed by Principal Frank Myers introduction. The Senior Choristers then sang the RHS Alma Mater and "Let There Be a Voice". Valedictorian Jonathan Kenner, and co-Salutatorians Greyson Daugherty and Adam Lander encouraged their classmates to "do their best" in their theme speeches, after which Mr. Myers presented the class to Director of Schools, Dr. Sandra Husk. Ginger Tucker, Class Secretary, inspired the class with her closing remarks. A highlight of this year's graduation was the airing of the RHS Senior Show, produced by Mrs. Lee Ellen Beach's TV production classes, and the live jumbotron viewing of the whole program. Following are photos of the event:

Page created by phantom faculty member, Ellen Taylor
