Latin Drama performed by Beach's class


Mrs. Lee Ellen Beach's drama class performed a parody called "Rinse the Blood Off My Toga" for several English classes fifth period today. In an all-toga cast, led by Steven Friedman and Nick Lietz (as Brutus), the show revolved around the investigation of who killed Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. The cast was as follows:

Griff Briggs: Mark Anthony

Friedmann, Steven: Flavius Maximus

Amanda Greene: Senator

John Harris: Claudius (bartender)

Kayla Hathcock: Senator

Nick Lietz: Brutus

Heather Linville: Secretary

Stevie May: Regular Bebendus

Tabitha Mixon - Calpurnia

Allen Moser: Caesar

Chris Roberts: Centurion

Tiffany West: Stage Manager

Megan Wright: Senator

Page created by Ellen Taylor
