Pre-Calculus 3126 
Chapter 2 - Functions & Their Graphs
VOCABULARY: relation; function; domain; range; independent and dependent variable; difference quotient; implicit and explicit form; function notation; secant line; increasing; decreasing and constant functions; local maximum and minimum; even and odd functions; shifts, reflections; compressions and stretches; composite functions
SAMPLE WRITING PROMPTS: A. Explain the meaning of domain and range. B. What is an inverse function and how do you find it? C. What is a Correlation Coefficient and why is it important to data analysis?
Code LE's & SPI's Fundamental Course Skills Sample Assignment
S SPI 1.2 Recognize and apply mathematical models of linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.       LE 1.1 Select and use appropriate algebraic functions to model real-world situations. Identify the graph of a function and obtain information from the graph 1 Day ~ 2.1 p.95-96 # 5-30 (5ths), 33-48 (3rds), 50-80 (5ths) 
E SPI 1.3 Use scatter plot residuals and/or correlation coefficients to determine whether a model is appropriate.                    LE 1.2 Select and use appropriate techniques from data analysis to model real-world phenomena. Draw and interpret scatter diagrams. 1 Day ~ 2.2 p.108-111 #5, 13-18, 20, 25, 30
S SPI 1.2 Recognize and apply mathematical models of linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.       LE 1.2 Select and use appropriate techniques from data analysis to model real-world phenomena. Distinguish between linear and nonlinear relations.  
E SPI 1.3 Use scatter plot residuals and/or correlation coefficients to determine whether a model is appropriate.                    LE 1.2 Select and use appropriate techniques from data analysis to model real-world phenomena. Use a graphing utility to find the line of best fit.  
S SPI 2.9 Apply limits to develop the concept of continuity and identify intervals of increase and decrease. Use a graph to determine where a function is increasing, decreasing, or constant. 2 Days  ~ 2.3 p. 122-124 # 1-10,18-69(3rds)
S 2.10 Locate critical points of the graphs of polynomial functions and determine if each critical point is a minimum, a maximum or a point of inflection. Use a graph to locate local maxima and minima.  
S SPI 2.1 Sketch the graphs of the basic functions. Graph the functions listed in the library of functions. 1 Day ~ 2.4 p. 132-133 #1-8, 9-37 odd
S SPI 2.1 Sketch the graphs of the basic functions. Graph piecewise-defined functions.  
S SPI 2.2 Graph transformations and combinations of transformations for all basic functions. Graph functions using horizontal and vertical shifts, reflections, compressions, and stretches. 1 Day ~ 2.5 p. 145-147 #1-16, 18-72 (3rds)
S SPI 2.3 Analyze functions, such as by decomposing into simpler functions. Form the composition function and find its domain. 1 Day ~  2.6 p. 155-157 #3-66 (3rds)
P Pre-requisite from previous courses. Form the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two functions.  
E SPI 1.1 Model real-world phenomena using techniques of data analysis.              LE 1.1 Select and use appropriate algebraic functions to model real-world situations. Construct a function that madels given information. 2 Days ~ 2.7 pg. 164-165 1, 3, 10. 11, 17-20, 23, 24
E SPI 1.5 Use models when appropriate to draw conclusions or make predictions.                     LE 1.1 Select and use appropriate algebraic functions to model real-world situations/ Analyze a function in order to make decisions.   
    Chapter Review 1 Day ~ p. 167-171 #1-6, 9-24 (3rds), 25, 30-91 (3rds), 79
I feel this chapter should take a total of 13 days to cover including the test and labs. 2.7 may beyond what some are able to do but this section is very useful to those students who will eventually take Calculus. (I will use 2 extra days for Labs)
Lab #1 ~ Crime Scene Investigation ~ Lab #2 ~ Barbie Bungee