E=MC2 ÒBoats and BalloonsÓ


Software: Microsoft Office


Software: Microsoft Office




Software: Microsoft Office


Software: Microsoft Office




Software: Microsoft Office


Software: Microsoft Office




Software: Microsoft Office


Software: Microsoft Office




Software: Microsoft Office


Software: Microsoft Office




Software: Microsoft Office


Software: Microsoft Office



     We are blessed in the fact that our school is built upon a beautiful pond. We wish to hold a boat race for Math Tech students on it this spring. There is a professor at Nashville State Tech that has interest in this area and an engineer from the boat company Moomba has agreed to mentor students in their construction of the boats.

     As well as being able to use mathematics in a real world scenario addressing state established proficiencies it would enable us to increase parent awareness of articulation, dual enrollment, other curriculum, and related initiatives designed to facilitate secondary to postsecondary transition. This collaborative project is a great opportunity to employ mentoring and other types of appropriate activities involving business/industry or other community partners.


     Our annual field day is our favorite day of the year. Students involved in the program can introduce their projects to the elementary and middle school students without having to miss their classes. This year the activities had an ÒAlternate energy sourceÓ theme. The young students were entertained with hot air balloons, electric powered boats, looking at solar flares, listening to Solar activity, and introduced to our hydrogen fuel celled car. We all had a good time.