The first annual NHS induction ceremony was held on Tuesday
evening. Coordinated by Faculty sponsors, Mrs. Joy Huggins and Mrs.
Carolyn Ferrell, the program was preceded by piano music by Laura
Sikes. Mr. Frank Myers, RHS principal, opened the evening and
introduced Dr. B.J. Worthington, Chief Academic Officer for the CMCSS
system (and former RHS principal!). Mrs. Theresa Muckleroy, RHS
assistant principal, related the purposes of the society, followed by
faculty representatives (Mrs. Ellen Taylor, Mrs. Kaye Warren, Mrs.
Judy Darke, and Mrs. Schanda Doughty) who explained the four defining
characteristics of an NHS member: character, scholarship, leadership,
and service. Members lit candles, pledged to be faithful to the
ideals of NHS, and then asked a special guest to pin them. A punch
and cookies reception followed the ceremony (provided by Mrs. Cathy
Davidson's class).The new members inducted were: