The Clarksville-Montgomery County Schools and Fort Campbell
Schools joined together to present a sumptious program for parents
and the community at 3:00 P.M. on Saturday afternoon. Phil Waters of
Station Camp High School (TN) was guest conductor for the rousing
middle school program which included: Independence Day arr. Mike
Story; Balladair by Frank Erickson; Highlights from Harry Potter arr.
Story; Into the Storm by Robert W. Smith; and Marches of the Armed
Forces arr. Sweeney (an interactive piece in which audience and band
members with family members connected with each service rose to honor
the branch!). The high school's program was conducted by Jeff Steiner
of Western Kentucky University, and included: The Klaxon by Filmore;
Centoaph by Stamp; First Suite in Eb for Military Band by Holst; O
Magnum Mysterium by Lauridsen, arr. Reynolds; and ended with the
spooky and DARK!! Voodoo by Duffy, complete with flashlights and
haunts ;). Following are photos of the event:
For a list of RHS students selected for All-County, please
click here.