Miss RHS pageant showcases ten beauties


The RHS Student Council sponsored the Miss RHS pageant on Saturday evening, including an opening number with all 10 contestants, a casual-wear, talent and evening gown competition, and a final interview with the top 5 finalists. In between the action, entertainment was provided by Eli Cordy and Zach Talbot (singing and guitar), Ginger Tucker and former RHS student Diana Wooten, and Mr. Glen Glenn on guitar. Miss Debbie Plaster, Miss RHS of 2003, and Jarhett Snead were masters of ceremony, and escorts were Craig Olsen, Tanner Wickham, and CJ Rouse. The following contestants were awarded:


First Runnerup - Megan Stumpf

Miss RHS 2004 - Kacie Boguskie

Following are photos of the event:

Page created by Ellen Taylor
