at St. Cecilia Academy and John Overton High School on April 16 and 17.
Rossview High School has two state champions. Shelby Coates won 1st place
in original oratory. Jacob Shorter was elected Outstanding Speaker in the
Senate. Shelley Osborne and Neely Wall won 6th place in duo interpretation.
The Interpreters' Theatre, Passionella, tied for first place. The tie was
broken on speaker points, and Passionella received the 2nd place plaque. The
cast was proud to have ranked higher than the first place team on three of
the five judges' ballots and to have received more 1st place ranks than the
other teams. The cast consists of Shelby Coates, Shelley Osborne,
Jon-Michael St. Amant, Shannon Pickett, Jacob Shorter, and Erica McGregor.
Text by sponsor (Mrs. Lee Ellen Beach); photo by Ellen Taylor